Support Us

Gifts and donations can be arranged via email:

We look forward to working with you and are deeply grateful. Your support will ensure we can spread the legacy of human connection and the preservation of our planet for future generations.

The Legacy Forum accepts wire transfers, stocks, securities, legacy bequests, tribute, and memorial gifts. Gifts given in honor or memory of friends and family are meaningful ways to commemorate a special occasion or to honor friends and family. We will coordinate the delivery of a letter to your honoree to let them know of your thoughtful donation.
Many companies offer to match employees’ charitable donations. To find out whether your employer offers a matching gifts program, contact your company’s human resources department. Retirees, board members, and spouses may also be eligible.

Mail Contributions made out to Legacy Forum to:

Association n*W751260051
Siège social LEGACY FORUM : 41, rue Cortambert 75116 Paris, FRANCE.


Online Contributions is available. Please email us at to arrange your gift.

Photo Credits

Banner: Himbas, Namibia - © Jeremy Garamond